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All or Nothing?

Pastor Page

It used to be that each nation had its own gods and religions. In such times there was a clear line of demarcation between that faith which was born of the Bible and that which was not. But over the last century we have seen the rise of some insidious forces that have muddied the waters. Increasingly, in a given nation, you will observe a plethora of different beliefs existing within its borders. On one side we can rejoice at Christianity’s spread, but on the other we can lament the influence of false religions on Christians. Many thought processes and practices have been borrowed from Eastern religions and have been adopted and promoted to Christians without considering the potential dangers involved. For instance there are many Eastern religious forms of prayer and meditation that are commonly practiced that actually oppose biblical theology. And there are many doctrinal beliefs that have shifted to accommodate and appropriate the spiritual ideas of false religions as well.

In our desire to be charitable to our fellow man, and to defend the right for each to hold their own opinion, we have actually gone a step too far. We have moved from believing: “each is free to believe as they wish” to “we should accept what others believe.” This change may seem subtle, but it is a major shift! And when this sentiment is echoed by a professing Christian or minister it is heresy! It is Jesus Himself that declared the most exclusive and limiting paradigm about spiritual matters and eternal salvation. He said – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn. 14:6) Jesus didn’t accept the false views of His day, and neither should we. Jesus boldly declared the truth of one exclusive way to salvation, to heaven, and to God – and so should we.

But if we adhere to our world’s current mood about such things, and we become accepting of all faiths and religions, then what room is there for evangelism at all? We cannot accept someone’s belief and seek to convert them from it at the same time. Evangelism becomes the great evil and menace of a society that has been convinced that we should be accepting of all beliefs. And over the last decade this posture has gained incredible steam in our own country. America was once the land of revivals, and awakenings, and street preaching – but these mediums have mostly been abandoned. The few who still engage in such activity are thought to be the most offensive and strangest of all people. People had been fine with preaching, so long as it stayed in the pulpit. Take it to the streets, and people don’t know what to think about it anymore. The Gospel and biblical Christianity seem too controversial and too exclusive to be acceptable in the public square. Some politicians have even tried to disallow real (and vocal) Christians from serving in public office. But sadly this is not the worst of it all. Legislation exists today seeking not only to limit what can be said publicly, but also seeking to limit what preachers can say in their pulpits!

Well, whatever the mood and posture of our society, we must adhere to the commands of our Lord. We are to be His witnesses and: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” (Matt. 28:19-20a) So then, even though you see “Coexist” bumper stickers on everyone’s cars, and you hear the politicians say it is inappropriate (or even unlawful) to speak according to the Word, and you even observe many Christians who acquiesce and adopt these false notions – you rather stand firm in the faith once delivered to the saints. The old scholar Obadiah Sedgwick gave an apt warning – “If men can step from one religion to all, they will soon fall from all religion to none.” May we not be deterred by whichever stance the peoples of our world take. May we faithfully declare the unadulterated and exclusive truth of Jesus Christ no matter the cost.

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