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Casualties of War

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A constant theme of the New Testament is that we are called to grow in the faith. According to 2Pet. 3:18a we read – “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” And Heb. 6:1a says – “Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity…” But O how many never progress beyond the early things in Christianity. They profess faith, they undertake the waters of baptism, they come to church, but for so many there is no observable progression in their knowledge or understanding of Scriptural truths. Indeed, surface level things are adapted and practiced – you can see even immature Christians serving, and giving, and singing. But what of the crucial necessity to grow in our minds?

There are countless people who think it is just fine to remain an infant in their spiritual thinking. They would never apply that same rule to their business, their finances, or their politics, but when it comes to spiritual matters they give themselves a pass. “It’s too hard to understand,” they say, “I’m not a good reader, and the Bible is too long and tedious.” O but if they could see that their lives depend on it! If you were thrust into war, wouldn’t you apply yourself diligently to understand your weaponry? Would you not inquire how to achieve victory? Would you not give anything to understand the tactics of your enemy, and how to spot and avoid his traps? But Christians are in the midst of the most heated warfare imaginable and they live as if they were at peace!

Spiritual warfare is long underway and the target of the enemy is your mind! How secure is your mind? How prepared are you for the onslaughts of the enemy? His weapons are lies: lies about God, lies about Christ, lies about the Spirit, lies about the Gospel, and lies about the Bible. His weapons are expertly crafted, designed specifically to fool you, and proven to be hellishly effective. His distortions have been carefully woven and fine tuned over the centuries to bring about the most casualties possible.

The enemy also has secret agents that have infiltrated the church – his deception is so strong that those agents often don’t even know that they are Satan’s men. Through these agents, false doctrine and heresy is spreading through our camp like a deadly plague. Our watchmen have mostly fallen asleep on the job, and so many of our outposts are completely unguarded. O heretical beliefs will claim your mind too, if you will not prepare yourself. Perhaps they have already infected you. You have but one hope! You must recognize that your enemy is real, and you must use the tools at your disposal to prepare for war. Eph. 4:14 says – “We should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.” We have to grow up and realize that we are not in a time of peace. We need to take upon ourselves the full armor of God, and press on to maturity in our understanding before it is too late. The front lines are the most dangerous place for any soldier, but how much more so for the one who still thinks and acts like a child! You are on the frontlines in spiritual warfare whether you know it or not. Will you be tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine? Or will you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord so that you might identify the trickery of men, and avoid the cunning and crafty deceits of the enemy?

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