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Does it Really Matter?

Pastor Page

I believe in things that are invisible, I believe in things that are eternal and yet I am infatuated with the things I can tangibly see and touch. O God help me to see past the limitation of this physical world to dwell on things eternal.

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.” (Col. 3:1-2) The teaching of the word seems clear enough, but the path is complicated. A.W. Tozer once wrote, “The world is too much with us, and we have it with us all the time and all around us so that the invisible and eternal seem to be quite forgotten.” A tragic dichotomy has arisen in most of our hearts – we believe on one hand in the eternal truths that scripture displays, and yet on the other hand we still yield and bow our allegiance to the things of this world. In this acknowledgment we find that “right belief” by itself can indeed leave our hearts vacant and unavailable to that which truly matters.

“You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe – and shudder!” (Jam. 2:19)

Followers of Christ are being drawn toward a very different eternal abode than the demons will suffer. So then there must be a distinction between their belief and ours. Demons, know the truth and yet persist in a path that is not glorifying to God. Demons ignore the reality they know, so they might fully enjoy the pride of the moment in which they currently dwell. My goal here is not to revile these fallen angelic majesties, but by way of comparison I aim to shake us out of our worldly complacency. I believe that many people have more in common with devils than they would like to admit. Consider this: This world has become way too comfortable for us. We relish in its highs and chase after every glittering new toy. The prideful fads of the world entice us, and they can even be found within our churches. We want to have the same things the world has, we want to enjoy the same things the world enjoys, we want do the same things the world does – and no one can tell us not to! And why not? Why shouldn’t we have, and enjoy, and do all that our hearts desire. Why should we not, “eat, drink and be merry?” (Isa. 22:13)

If there were no other reality than what we observe in this world, then surely pursuing that which makes us happy would be the greatest priority in life. However, we know that there is something more than our eyes can see. We know that there is a very real God and a very real eternity. Though we cannot physically touch or taste these invisible and spiritual truths we know they are none the less real.

“For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?

But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with great patience.” (Rom. 8:24-25)

I suspect that men are driven by what they actually believe. Men who only believe in what they can tangibly see, touch and physically experience are driven to pursue and enjoy those pointless things with a careless indulgence. O but those who have spiritually tasted and spiritually seen that the Lord is good, their longings, their pursuits and their hopes are in eternal possessions, they are transfixed by heavenly matters. We have a grave need to be reminded that God has promised to “shake” the earth and the heavens. There is coming a day, when all the vain, fleeting and empty trimmings of this world will be shaken off and all that will remain is what is eternal (Heb. 12:26-28). On that day, great mourning will take place over crooked passions that are exposed for what they are, and over the time wasted on temporary enjoyments and comforts? We make such a big deal out of things that just don’t truly matter in the end. What truly matters? What is real? Let’s make a big deal out of that. Let’s fix our eyes on that which is real. O Lord help us.

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