“Don’t worry, be happy!” That’s what the song says. But what makes for a billboard topping song, does not necessarily equate to sound theology. Unfortunately, in this country, this is what has been sold to people as Christianity. Today, we are going to begin another sub-category of focus where for the next few weeks we will uncover the dangers of several distinctly American heresies (at least they were popularized here in America – Although they have since spread across the globe). Today’s heresy in focus is what has been dubbed: Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD).
The term MTD originated from a study done of the religious and spiritual lives of teenagers back in 2005. But since then, the term has broadened to become the exact definition of most people’s beliefs. Most Americans believe that there is a God, but there are less and less people who agree on what that God is like. The prevailing notion is that He is a benevolent figure who basically wants people to be good, especially towards one another. Rather than a Lord, or a sovereign, or a judge – Most people prefer to think of God as more of a life coach who looks out for them, and that wants them to feel good about themselves, and happy, and fulfilled. So then, terms such as “sin” and “evil” are losing their bearings, as most people don’t like to think in such black and white terms anymore. Rather, instead of “sin” they prefer the term “mistake,” and instead of “evil” they prefer the term misguided. With this mindset, people are viewed as basically good, and their greatest problem is thought to be that they do not believe in themselves enough, or that they get too distracted by negativity. The best remedy to these difficulties is thought to be self-esteem boosting mantras, activities, and social environments. In essence, MTD is the belief that: God is good, and we are good, so don’t worry, be happy.
This might seem like an over-simplification, but it is nonetheless an apt description of what most Americans believe. They comfort themselves with these notions, and they surround themselves with teachers who buy into the same mindset, and who will repeatedly spoon-feed it to them. Pastors have become more like therapists, whose pulpits have been traded in for more approachable tables and chairs, whose sermons have been replaced by motivational speeches, whose Bible’s are barely referenced, and whose study habits equate to watching you-tube videos, plagiarizing more inspirational people’s ideas, and compiling self-help messages that are as emotionally stirring as possible. The whole aim of their ministry is to help people feel good about themselves, about God, and about their church. “Don’t worry, God accepts you just the way you are” – They say. “God loves you no matter what” – They say. “He will never leave you or forsake you” – They say. Such lines sound biblical, but without the context of a surrendered and repentant faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, they are sorely misapplied. The truth is that apart from repentant faith in Christ, God has not accepted you. Furthermore, once you come to faith in Him, God will not leave you as you were, but will lead you in a new direction – Away from sin and into holiness. Apart from repentant faith in Christ, you may believe whatever you want about God’s love for you, but you will still find your soul headed for hell. Indeed, He will never leave nor forsake those who are His, but until you actually repent and savingly believe in Him this promise does not apply to you.
The truth is you are not basically good. The Bible says that you are a horrible wretch of a sinner who is fully deserving of God’s holy wrath. God isn’t interested in making you feel better about yourself as you are – He would have you by faith to repent from your sin, that you would be made new. Don’t listen to the heretics who would tell you that you have no reason to worry. Apart from repentance and faith you have an urgent and compelling reason to worry – God’s wrath is coming. The false prophets in Jeremiah’s day were saying the same moralistic and therapeutic message that is thrown around today. They were essentially telling everyone that they were good with God (even though they were steeped in idolatry and other sins). They were saying, “Don’t worry, be happy.” But God rebuked them through Jeremiah, saying in Jer. 6:14-15 – “‘They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ but there is no peace. Were they ashamed because of the abomination they have done? They were not even ashamed at all; they did not even know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be cast down,’ says the Lord.” There is but one way to peace with God, and it is not to be found in telling yourself you are basically good, and surrounding yourself with teachers who will echo that sentiment. It is found by acknowledging your sin, repenting from it, believing in Christ’s sacrifice, and following Him. Anything less is not true Christianity, but rather it is nothing more than moralistic therapeutic deism.