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I Don't See Any Wolves?

Pastor Page

Matt. 7:15 – “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

O how easily Satan deceives people. The piercing words of J.C. Ryle still ring true in our time – “Such is the simplicity and innocence of many Churchmen in this day, that they actually expect false doctrine to look false, and will not understand that the very essence of its mischievousness, as a rule, is its resemblance to God’s truth.” In other words, the lies of the enemy do not look like lies, they look like the truth! False teachers too, don’t look like false teachers, they are indeed wolves – but they are in sheep’s clothing.

I wonder just how many have begun in a good place, in a sound church, in solid doctrine, being warned of the beguilements of false teaching, only to inevitably still be led astray? He who begins well often becomes curious to know what else is out there. And so he wanders into some ill-reputed church, or begins searching the internet, or deliberately listens to messages from untrustworthy sources. Perhaps he initially prepares himself and thinks that he will hear nothing but heresy and illogical nonsense. But then he is surprised to find clever and well-thought-out arguments that contain an immense amount of truth, and only some seemingly slight error here and there. He thinks to himself, “Perhaps these other groups aren’t all that bad. Surely, I’m just as much in error in some small ways. They are just as thoughtful and fervent, if not more so than I am.” But what takes place next is tragic. He begins to believe his former pastors and teachers were too narrow-minded, too uncharitable, and perhaps even legalistic. His suspicion shifts off from the wolves onto his own shepherds. He begins to lose confidence in those leaders, and furthermore, by tasting other flavors of religion, he begins to lose his taste for that old singular message he has heard all of his life. And so often he leaves that old “rigid” church and ends up joining himself to those more liberal. Slowly, bit by bit, he succumbs to and adopts their false doctrine as his own. O how often the broad-minded find themselves at last on “the broad road that leads to destruction.” (Matt. 7:13)

Satan would not win so many people over if his lies were obvious. The most harm often comes from what is most close in appearance to the truth. Don’t be naïve! Heresy abounds – but it is cloaked in the garb of truth. False teachers will quickly chew you up and swallow you if you are not conscious of Satan’s designs. Beware then, lest you become yet another meal for the ravenous wolves.

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