This morning I am pondering the great changes to the ecclesiastical landscape taking place in our day. In recent years there have been many sound and strong ministers of the Word who have died and gone on to glory. And there have been just as many, who we thought were sound that have turned aside to heresies, or immoralities, or cultural compromises. There were already so few who were the spiritual “giants” of our day, and their numbers are dwindling fast. My concern is for the flock left behind who looked up to those sound teachers, and who have been devastated by the hypocrites and the heretics.
The Scripture gives an ominous account of Joash who was king in Judah, it says: “Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest.” (2Chron. 24:2) This sounds very promising, but of course, eventually, Jehoida died, and sadly so did the faithfulness of King Joash. O how many people begin well, but never actually finish the race!
Quickly after the priest’s death, other counselors stepped in to fill the gap Jehoiada had left: “Now after the death of Jehoiada the leaders of Judah came and bowed down to the king. And the king listened to them.” (2Chron. 24:17) The enemy is a master at placing his own wicked and twisted counsel in the ears of men. Church history reveals that he is even quite adept at filling empty pulpits with men of his own (even in churches or denominations that were formerly led by sound men). If a pulpit is available in a church without discernment, that is not covered in prayer, and not protected by the hand of Christ, Satan will fill that pulpit with a man who will advance his heresies, men who will seize the opportunity and lead the people away to a new master.
Such is often the case and the end result is horrifying. 2Chron. 24:18-19 records – “They left the house of the Lord God of their fathers, and served wooden images and idols; and wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem because of their trespass. Yet He sent prophets to them, to bring them back to the Lord; and they testified against them, but they would not listen.” O how can it be that Joash and his people went from the heights of obedience and faithfulness to the dregs of idolatry and hardness of heart – Such is the impact a vacuum in godly leadership has upon people whose faith is not in the right place.
O don’t allow your faith to rest upon a man! If a pastor, or elder, or leader can die (or falter) and your faith cannot survive it, then your faith was not in Christ but in men. Unfortunately, most do not realize this is the case for themselves until it is too late. May the Lord be your trust, and the Word be your anchor. All other foundations are nothing more than shifting sand.