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Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Pastor Page

Many years ago I was serving at a very large church whose approach to ministry was not biblical, and its teaching was either misguided or often even inaccurate. At the time I believed that I could impact the culture and doctrine of the church through my continued influence there. I intentionally endeavored to confront those errors, but unfortunately I could not bring about the repentance and change that I so eagerly desired. What I didn’t realize at the time was how the teaching and the culture of that place were impacting me. When I read things that I wrote from that time period I can observe subtle little things that I now know to be dangerous and mistaken. Unconsciously, I was absorbing certain patterns of life, certain verbiage, and certain compromises. In my pride, I thought I was able to see all the errors and that I was safe from being taken in by them. In truth, I couldn’t see the full picture until I was removed from that environment and began serving in other churches with more biblical fellowship and teaching.

I could say much more about that specific experience, but my focus today really isn’t about that particular ministry. Really, I wanted to speak a word of encouragement to those who find themselves in a similar situation. Proverbs 14:7 says – “Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.” And there is no better counsel I can give to those who find themselves in a church that does not have sound teaching and doctrine. There are any number of reasons you might think of staying where you are. You might think, as I did, that you might have a positive influence. Or you might think that there are people you love there who need you or who look up to you. You might think there is lots of “good” going on as well as bad. Or you might think no church is perfect so what’s the point of leaving for another. But trust me when I say that I speak from experience – There are many more reasons why you show flee from that ministry.

Sadly, your continued fellowship in such a ministry is a silent show of approval for what they do and teach. Your presence is giving credence to the wayward church – All those you love, all those who look up to you, and all those you serve will be ensnared by the ministry you know to be errant. The best thing you can do for them is to draw a clear line in the sand showing that you have no fellowship with such a ministry, so that others too might come to consider whether they should be a part of it. And while it is true that no church is perfect, there are countless churches that do preach and teach sound doctrine if you are willing to search them out. Help is available to find such a church if you but ask.

Ultimately, the true members of Christ have no business partnering in ministry with churches whose message is off base. Such churches are where heresy thrives, and those heresies can’t help but to defile all those who swim in their polluted waters. 2Cor. 6:17 says – “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” If by the grace of God you have been given eyes to perceive the wayward methodology and the heretical teaching of your church, do not take that mercy for granted. The Lord has given you such discernment so that you might protect yourself and those you love by exhibiting faithfulness to Him. Separation is never easy, but God’s promise to receive us, as we do so, is far richer than the tainted fruit of compromise. May God bless all those who hear and receive His word.

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