Why should we continue to strive against heresy? Isn’t it time to move on to some other topic? Well, I feel compelled to remain steadfastly and vocally opposed to heresies because not only are they so dangerous, but because we are all so prone to be taken in by them. In Gal. 1:6 the Apostle Paul writes – “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel.” It is startling how quickly and easily we can be moved from a right understanding of Christ and His Gospel. It takes but a little inattentiveness, a moment of cowardice, or a whisper of false teaching for us to be led astray. Different gospels abound and their subtle variations from the truth may seem inconsequential and minute, but when believed and adopted they are damnable to the soul. Through accepting small differences, men make an eternal blunder!
The Apostle Paul continues in Gal. 1 – “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.” These other messages are not THE Gospel. If you make even one change to the Gospel it ceases to be THE Gospel. And Paul says that this changed message, this “different gospel,” is really “not another.” In essence, He is saying that these altered versions of THE Gospel are not really Gospels at all – They are not “good news” because they cannot save you – It is only THE one true Gospel that has the power to save. Do you see the tragic nature of heresies? The countless perversions that are peddled throughout the world, that have been accepted by innumerable souls, have robbed people of their only source of hope. They have replaced the only message through which to attain peace with God, with an aberration that might look similar, but can only leave you under God’s wrath.
The Apostle Paul does not mince words about those who perpetrate these twisted versions of the Gospel, saying in Gal. 1:8-9 – “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” Praise God for such a plain and bold declaration in the Word. We are often too timid and fearful to make such statements in our day. It is more acceptable in our society to be generous to those of differing viewpoints from our own (and we should be on most matters). But when it comes to the matter of the truths of the Gospel we cannot afford to be moderate and amicable. We can’t tip-toe around the issue and try to appease and befriend them. Furthermore, we can’t be fooled into thinking that because people who teach differing beliefs are well-intentioned and basically good people, that they are moral, and faithful, kind-hearted, and loving that they should get a pass for the heresy they spread. The Word of God unapologetically calls them: “Accursed”! Their doctrine has damned them, and those they ensnare through their perversions won’t fare any better. O we do no favors to the deceived by equivocating and side-stepping – Their only hope is that some daring soul might show them where they have erred.
If THE Gospel is the only hope, then let us each stand to maintain the integrity of it. Let us stand opposed to any perversions from it. Let us stand boldly against those false teachers who are self-condemned. O, I pray, don’t be so quickly moved from your belief and defense of the truth. May you never grow weary in that defense, and may the Lord keep you in that truth.