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Ways, Fears, & Futility

Pastor Page

Jer. 10:2-3a – “Thus says the Lord: ‘Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the Gentiles are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are futile…”

It is amazing to ponder about how many ways the church has learned and adopted the ways, fears, and customs of the world. Not all the ways of people are outright sinful, but when they contradict Scripture we have a problem. Some fears of people are justified, and others are frivolous, but if a believer is shaken by any there is a problem. Some customs surely don’t actually amount to heresy, but when worldly custom becomes the teaching and practice of the church, there we have a big problem. We have to be honest. If a Christian is walking in the ways of the world, is moved by the same fears, and adopts all the same futile customs – Can they rightly be called a Christ-follower? It would seem they are a follower of men, not a follower of Christ.

Should we not then judge that churches who defend and adopt the world’s ways are not Christ’s churches at all? They might have the words “church,” or “Jesus,” or “Christian” in the name placarded on their buildings – But they are really gatherings of people who love their sins and want some form of spirituality to validate them in their ways. O may this not be charged against us on the last day! It is time for the church, and every individual Christian, to ask: “Are we really following the ways of Christ? Or, have we learned ‘the ways of the Gentiles’?”

Furthermore, we have to ask: “What is it that we fear?” Are we truly driven and compelled by the fear of the Lord? Do we fear bringing disrepute upon Christ’s holy name, or are we more concerned with our own reputation? Do we fear grieving the Holy Spirit, or do we fear we won’t be able to satisfy our various appetites? Do our worldly fears, cause us to take courses that dishonor the Lord? Does our fear of men lead us to deny Christ? Does our fear of death drive us to pursue security and pleasure? Are we afraid of the talking points of society: “The world is ending through climate change, disease is going to overtake us all, war is coming, etc.”? How much do the fears propagated by the world impact your thinking, and your actions? Are you too afraid to go to church? Are you too afraid to speak for Christ? What do you fear?

And lastly, what futile customs of the peoples have we unwittingly adopted? An “Easter Bunny?” – Really? Do you ever ask what it is you are celebrating on various holidays? Do you ever question the wisdom of sending children to be instructed by carnal and worldly-minded people? How do you spend your free time? Is it any different from the customs of the rest of the world? Should the church be indiscernible from the world that surrounds it? Should we just take the world’s customs and just put a “Christian” spin on them and make them our own? O, not every worldly custom is inherently evil, but shouldn’t we be discerning about them. Shouldn’t we only maintain and engage in those customs that do not conflict with the Word? Where is the man who gives thought to such things?

The Prophet Jeremiah spoke these warnings from the mouth of God to a people who would not consider them. He preached and he implored the people to heed those warnings, and it all fell on deaf ears. Finally, judgment came on the people – They loved the ways of the Gentiles, but it was the Gentiles that the Lord brought to destroy them. Their fears were of the signs in the heavens, but they refused to fear the Lord of heaven. They loved the futile customs of the world, and they became just as futile themselves. O might we take heed from their example and their demise.

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