Do your thoughts and words have God-like power? There are countless people who seem to think so. As we continue our sub-focus on heresies that undermine the power and authority of the Scriptures, this question is of paramount importance. Several years ago a book was written that became an instant best-seller. Seductively titled, “The Secret,” it lured many curious minds to read a book filled with heretical content. The basic tenet of the book is what the author calls “the law of attraction” which is an impersonal force that people are supposedly able to manipulate using their thoughts so they can get what they want out of life. Of course, the converse is stated as well, if you are experiencing negative things in life (like poverty, etc.) then your inner thoughts and desires have attracted that to yourself as well.
Basically, the themes and assertions that the book makes are similar to ancient pantheism, which was repackaged as “new-age spirituality” in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and that was adapted by the “Word of Faith” movement as well. Ultimately, in each case, the “blessings” and “good things” people want out of life become disassociated with the Scriptures, and even from a personal relationship with the God of the Scriptures. If you can attract good to yourself by your own thoughts and will, what need do you have for God at all? And if you don’t need God, why would you need the Bible? Essentially, this is the not-so-subtle effect of this line of thought. If you can create your own reality by your thoughts, words, and “faith” the Bible is actually the last thing you would want to affirm.
The Bible paints a very different picture of reality – And it is not a reality that you can personally create for yourself. The Bible describes things as they actually are. Furthermore, the Bible defines who you are, and who God is. Your very identity is defined by your relationship to that God, and according to that book. What God says about you is the only real truth. You can’t think, or believe, or speak yourself into being anything different from what God declares. The Bible also describes how someone is truly “blessed.” You can’t just “think positively” to become blessed, you can’t just try to believe you are blessed, and you can’t just “claim” a blessing for yourself. Ps. 112:1 says – “Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.” And Ps. 119:2 says – “Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart!” So then, you cannot be blessed apart from delighting in and keeping the Word of God. And you don’t attract blessings to yourself as if they are some free-floating objects that are disconnected from God either. A man is blessed by abiding in the Word, and through His personal relationship with God Himself.
Finally, I will note that the Bible also describes a purpose for suffering. Suffering is not merely the result of negative thinking that attracts negative circumstances. But the Word describes God as sovereign over our sufferings (it is His word and will that creates reality). Sometimes He sends struggles our way so that He might discipline us, or to refine us, or even to test us. The “Secret,” and other similar heresies, lament trials as a tragic reality of our own making. But Jam. 1:2-4 says – “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” Notice first that the positive thinking (“count it all joy”) was not prescribed so they would avoid trials and difficulty, but because of what God was going to do in them in the midst of those hardships. Notice secondly that those trials weren’t brought on themselves – They “fell into” them. Notice thirdly there was a God-ordained purpose for those trials – “The testing of their faith,” and the production of “patience” within them. And notice the final result – “That you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” It wasn’t through attracting good circumstances to themselves that accomplished this great end, it was by enduring while trusting in the Word, the promises, and the goodwill of the Lord that this end is attained.
If you want to know the truth about reality, and the means of navigating this life, don’t turn to some supposed “Secret.” The Word of God is the final authority for what is true and real. Everything else is just a fantasy that will ultimately fade away when the final curtain falls. Don’t let reality dawn on you too late. Turn to the Word of God today!