One of the tragic ways that heresies gain footing and claim the minds of people in our day is by the sad willingness of Christians to forfeit doctrines on matters that they don’t fully understand. How many have been duped, by what is called “science,” to think the claims of evolution disprove the Bible’s creation account. They are led to believe that there is an insurmountable amount of evidence against them, and that they are naïve or foolish if they cling to a purely scriptural interpretation. They don’t have the tools to refute the prevailing arguments of day, and so they concede the point altogether. And if that were not enough, in an attempt to “save face,” many have gone so far as to redefine and reinterpret the Scriptures to make it fit the modern day understanding. This has given rise to many heresies, such as: theistic evolution, deism, or allegorical interpretations of biblical historical narratives.
Another way this is commonly observed is in our culture’s view of gender and sexuality. In our day we are led to believe that there are really a vast number of genders, and that the practices of sexuality should not be considered a moral issue. Whereas the Scriptures are clear that God has created humanity: male and female. Gen. 5:2 – “He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.” But today you are called hateful, or a bigot, or intolerant if you hold to such beliefs. You are told once again that the so called “science” is not on your side. An entire month has been set aside as “Pride month” to celebrate this new redefinition of humanity and its promotion of homosexual immorality. Many Christians feel stymied by the sheer weight of pressure on these issues and so they once again throw in the towel, and refuse to stand for the truth. And once again this has led to heresy where people have twisted the Scriptures and made Christ out to be accepting of immorality, or else they redefine those Scriptures to claim that these things are not to be considered immoral at all. But it takes major interpretive gymnastics to come away with such views, because the Word of God cannot be more clear. 1Cor. 6:9-10 – “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.” These things clearly must be confessed as sin, and repented of, if you hope to enter eternal life – It says, “Do not be deceived”!
There are many more such instances where the Word of God is maligned, and Christians feel backed into a corner for their beliefs. But is their only refuge heresy? What is a Christian to think and to do in light of all the “science” and all the persuasive philosophical arguments of the day? What if we don’t immediately know how to answer the questions? What if we don’t know all the facts of the true science that backs up what we believe? What if it seems like all the forces of modern logic stand opposed to what is proclaimed in the Word? Well, I believe the best counsel is to stand firm – Cling to the truth of the Scriptures even if it means that you have to do so at times while trembling. I’m reminded of an analogy I first read in the writings of the Anglican Minister J.C. Ryle. He wrote:
“Those conversant with astronomy know, that before the discovery of the planet Neptune there were difficulties, which greatly troubled the most scientific astronomers, respecting certain aberrations of the planet Uranus. These aberrations puzzled the minds of the astronomers, and some of them suggested that they might possibly prove the whole Newtonian system to be untrue. But at that time a well-known French astronomer, named Le Verrier, read before the Academy of Science a paper, in which he laid down the great axiom – that it did not become a scientific man to give up a principle because of difficulties which could not be explained. He said in effect, ‘We cannot explain the aberrations of Uranus now; but we may be sure that Newton will be proved to be right, sooner or later. Something may be discovered one day, which will prove that these aberrations may be accounted for, and yet the Newtonian system remain true and unshaken.’ A few years after, the anxious eyes of astronomers discovered the planet Neptune. The planet was shown to be the true cause of the aberrations of Uranus; and what the French astronomer had laid down as a principle in science, was proved to be wise and true.”
O the unshakable faith Le Verrier had in Newtonian physics. The science of his day was against him, the voices opposing him were numerous. The supposed facts just did not inspire confidence. Should real Christians be any less resolute and firmly rooted in the truth of the Word of God than this man of science. We know that God’s Word will be proven right in the end. On the day of judgment, all the aberrant philosophies and practices of our day will be shown for what they truly are. The only question that remains is whether you will be carried along with them. O that you would heed the warnings of such things in the Word! “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Col. 2:8)